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1. Basic Communication
# EARN THE RIGHT = Miliki hak (melalui studi dan pengalaman).
# EXCITED = Miliki keyakinan dan semangat (dengan perasaan positif mengenai thema anda).
# EAGER = Miliki hasrat (untuk menyampaikan suatu nilai kepada pendengar anda).
# EXPRESSIVE = Menyatakan perasaan (dengan membayangkan, menunjukkan perasaan-perasaan anda kepada pendengar anda).

2. How To Lead A Conference Effectively
# Open the conference with a brief statement of the problem. Then check with the group to be sure the problem is understood,
# Ask for causes of the problem,
# Make frequent summaries,
# Ask for possible solutions to the problem as well as evidence to support each solution,
# When you feel sufficient solutions have been discussed, make a final summary. Then call for a vote,
# If desirable, appoint an individual or a committee to see that the decision is translated into action,
# Express your own personal ideas only after all others have expressed theirs, (Your major job is to direct and lead, not to participate extensively in the discussion.)
# Pay little attention to the rules of parliamentary law,
# Keep the conference moving and on the track,
# See that everyone participates, but never go directly around the table to ask everybody's views.

3. How To Take Part In A Conference
# Don't rise to speak,
# Keep your talks brief and on the problem,
# Be careful of the tone of your voice. Speak in an easy conversational way,
# Take up only one solution to the problem at a time,
# Support every solution you suggest with evidence that will help you win your point,
# Listen attentively to all speakers,
# Don't interrupt other speakers,
# Instead of making direct assertions, ask questions.

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